經歷 |
- 南臺科技大學 會計資訊系 副教授 (2014/8- 2017/7)
- 南臺科技大學 會計資訊系 助理教授 (2013/2- 2014/7)
- 大同大學 資訊經營系 助理教授 (2009/2- 2013/1)
- 中華民國產業科技發展協進會 顧問 (2012-2014)
- 國立臺北科技大學 兼任助理教授 (2010)
- 國立臺北商業大學 兼任助理教授 (2009)
- 實踐大學 兼任助理教授 (2009)
學歷 |
- 國立交通大學經管所 博士
- 大同大學資訊工程所 博士
研究所課程 |
大學部課程 |
- 電子商務實務
- 雲端運算實作
- 統計學
- 經濟學
- 會計學
其他系所課程 |
研究專長 |
期刊論文 |
- Shih-Chih Chen & Chieh-Peng Lin (2019). Understanding the effect of social media marketing activities: The mediation of social identification, perceived value, and satisfaction. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 140, 22-32. [SSCI]
- Shih-Chih Chen, David C. Yen, Shih-Che Peng (2018). Assessing the impact of determinants in e-magazines acceptance: An empirical study. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 57, 49-58. [SCI]
- Yenchun Wu, Shih-Chih Chen* & I-Cheng Lin (2018). Elucidating the impact of critical determinants on purchase decision in virtual reality products by Analytic Hierarchy Process approach. Virtual Reality, 1-9. [SCI]
- Shih-Chih Chen & Chung-Wen Hung (2016). Elucidating the Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Green Products: An Extension of Theory of Planned Behavior. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 112, 155-163. [SSCI]
- Shih-Chih Chen & Chieh-Peng Lin (2015). The Impact of Customer Experience and Perceived Value on Sustainable Social Relationship in Blogs: An Empirical Study. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 96, 40-50. [SSCI]
- Lin, C. P., Joe, S. W., Shih-Chih Chen, & Wang, H. J. (2015). Better to be flexible than to have flunked: The mediating role of service flexibility and its determinants for team performance. Journal of Service Management, 26(5), 823-843. [SSCI]
- Chih-Hung Wu and Shih-Chih Chen* (2015). Understanding the Relationships of Critical Factors to Facebook Educational Usage Intention. Internet Research, 25(2), 262-278. [SSCI]
- Shih-I Cheng, Shih-Chih Chen, and David C. Yen. (2015). Continuance intention of E-portfolio system: A confirmatory and multigroup invariance analysis of technology acceptance model. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 42, 17-23. [SCI]
- Li, S. H., Yen, D. C., Shih-Chih Chen, Chen, P. S., Lu, W. H., & Cho, C. C. (2015). Effects of virtualization on information security. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 42, 1-8. [SCI]
- 陳世智、邱裕賓、賴明材、吳智鴻、陳煇煌、張馨尹 (2014)。虛擬社群使用者忠誠度之實證研究: 基礎人際關係導向觀點。電子商務學報, 16(3), 309-337 [TSSCI]
- 陳世智、吳智鴻、吳彥濬、陳靚 (2014)。探討影響 Facebook 粉絲專頁持續使用意圖之因素: 社會資本觀點。中山管理評論, 22(2), 205-238 [TSSCI]
- Shih-Chih Chen*, Chan-Yen Chang, Kuo-Shean Liu and Chien-Wen Kao (2014). The prototype and application of RFID implementation: A case study of automobiles assembly industries. International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 12(2), 145-156. [EI]
- Shih-Chih Chen, Din Jong, and Min-Tsai Lai (2014). Assessing the Relationship between Technology Readiness and Continuance Intention in an E-Appointment System: Relationship Quality as a Mediator. Journal of Medical Systems, 38(9), 1-12. [SCI]
- Kung, C. C., Xie, H., Wu, T., & Shih-Chih Chen (2014). Biofuel for energy security: An examination on pyrolysis systems with emissions from fertilizer and land-use change. Sustainability, 6(2), 571-588. [SSCI]
- Shih-Chih Chen, Li, S. H., & Yen, D. C. (2013). Understanding the Mediating Effects of Relationship Quality on Technology Acceptance: An Empirical Study of E-Appointment System. Journal of Medical Systems, 37(6), 1-13. [SCI]
- Shih-Chih Chen, Ming-Ling Liu, and Chieh-Peng Lin (2013). Integrating Technology Readiness into the Expectation–Confirmation Model: An Empirical Study of Mobile Services. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 16(8), 604-612. [SSCI]
- Yongrok Choi, Ning Zhang, Shih-Chih Chen, and Cui Cui Luo (2013). Quantitative Ecological Risk Analysis by Evaluating China’s Eco-Efficiency and Its Determinants. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 19(5), 1324-1337. [SCI]
- Ke-Hwa Lee and Shih-Chih Chen*, (2013). Introduction to Partial Least Square: Common Criteria and Practical Considerations. Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 779-780, pp. 1766-1769. [EI]
- Shih-Chih Chen, David C. Yen, and Mark I. Hwang (2012). Factors Influencing the Continuance Intention to the Usage of Web 2.0: An Empirical Study. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(3), 933-941. [SSCI]
- Shih-Chih Chen (2012). To use or not to use: Understanding the factors affecting continuance intention of mobile banking. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 10(5), 490-507. [SSCI]
- Shih-Chih Chen, Shih-Chi Liu, Huei-Huang Chen, and Jang-Ruey Tzeng, (2012). Thinking the Hedge Strategies during the Financial Tsunami by Data mining: A Case Study of Taiwan Stock Exchange. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 121-126, pp. 2395-2399, 2012. [EI]
- Shing-Han Li, Shih-Chih Chen, Chung-Chiang Hu, Wei-Shou Wu, and Mark I. Hwang (2012). Business Process Auditing on an SOA Foundation. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 8(1), 243-254. [SCI]
- Shih-Chih Chen*, Shing-Han Li, and Chien-Yi Li (2011). Recent related research in technology acceptance model: A literature review. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 1(9), 124-127.
- Shih-Chih Chen*, Huei-Huang Chen, and Mei-Fang Chen (2009). Determinants of Satisfaction and Continuance Intention towards Self-service Technologies. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109(9), 1248-1263. [SCI]
- Huei-Huang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, and Li-Hung Tsai (2009). A Study of Successful ERP – From the Organization Fit Perspective. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 7(4), 8-16.
- Shih-Chih Chen* and Huei-Huang Chen (2009). The Empirical Study of Customer Satisfaction and Continued Behavioral Intention towards Self-service Banking: Technology Readiness as Antecedents. International Journal of Electronic Finance, 3(1), 64-76.
- Huei-Huang Chen and Shih-Chih Chen (2009). The Empirical Study of Automotive Telematics Acceptance in Taiwan: Comparing Three Technology Acceptance Models. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 7(1), 50–65. [SSCI]
研討會論文 |
- Tsang-Hsiang Cheng, Shih-Chih Chen, & Taqwa Hariguna (2016). The empirical study of usability and credibility on intention usage of government-to-citizen services. International Conference on Internet Studies: NETs2016, July 14-16, Japan.
- Shih-Chih Chen, Shih-I Cheng, Din Jong, Chia-I Pan, & Yen-Ching Chen (2016). Understanding the impact of backpackers’ intention on independent travel websites: an extension of Theory of Planned Behavior. International Conference on Business and Information: BAI2016, Japan, July 3-5.
- Din Jong, Shih-Chih Chen, Chun-His Wang, & Li-Hua Huang. (2015). Constructing a Model to Evaluate the Purchase Intention of Environmentally Friendly Products. International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2015 Winter), Singapore, February 3-6.
- Shih-Chih Chen, Shih-I Cheng, Din Jong, & Huei-Huang Chen. (2014). Assessing the relationships of critical factors in social network: an empirical study of Facebook. International Conference on Internet Studies 2014, Singapore, August 16-17.
- Shih-Chih Chen & Chia-I Pan (2013). Applying partial least square to assess the integrated model of technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior. International Conference of Sustainable Asia Forum 2013, Incheon, Korea, June 27-30.
- Shih-Chih Chen, Wen-Hui Lu, & Shing-Han Li (2012). Constructing an integrating model to access the users’ perceptions about the adoption of cloud computing services. International Conference on Business and Information 2012, Sapporo, Japan, July 3-5.
- Shih-Chih Chen & Huei-Huang Chen (2010). Examining the effect of switching costs to operating system switching intention: an empirical study," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2010), pp.644-652, Shanghai, China, Dec. 1-4.
- Huei-Huang Chen & Shih-Chih Chen (2010). The Impact of electronic word-of-mouth and flow experience on continuance intention. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2010), pp.573-581, Shanghai, China, Dec. 1-4.
- Huei-Huang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, & Wei-Kuo Lin (2010). Assessing the effects of perceived service quality and perceived risk on satisfaction and behavioral intention in e-banking," Proceedings of ISTAM 2010, 2010 International Security Technology and Management Conference, Sept. 8-10, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Shih-Chih Chen, Chia-I Pan, & Huei-Huang Chen (2010). Assessing a Model of Continuance Intention in E-tourism: Information System Quality as Antecedents. International Conference on Business and Information 2010 (BAI 2010), ISSN 1729-9322, July 5-7.
- Huei-Huang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, & Chih-Chin Yang (2010). The impact of service quality and relationship quality on customer loyalty in e-tourism. International Conference on Business and Information 2010 (BAI 2010), ISSN 1729-9322, July 5-7.
- Huei-Huang Chen and Shih-Chih Chen, (2009). Constructing the process models for the traceability of rice production and distribution. Proceedings of WMSCI 2009: The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume I, pp.1-6, July 10th - July 13th, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Jang-Ruey Tzeng, Shu-Chiung Lin, Shih-Chih Chen, Kuo-Shean Liu, Shih-Lung Fu, & Shih-Chi Liu (2009). The strategic study of national quality award through business excellence model- The IBM, Panasonic and Yusan Bank cases in Taiwan," Proceedings of WMSCI 2009: The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume I, pp.22-27, July 10th - July 13th, Orlando, Florida, USA (Session's Best Paper Award).
- Shih-Chih Chen, Huei-Huang Chen, & Hao-erl Yang (2008). Towards an understanding of the relationship between satisfaction and continued behavioral intention to use automotive telematics," Proceedings of the 2008 Management International Conference (MIC2008), pp. 1161-1172, Barcelona, Spain.
- Huei-Huang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, & Li-Hung Tsai (2008). A study of successful erp – from the organization fit perspective. Proceedings of WMSCI 2008: The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume I, pp.12-17, June 29th - July 2nd, Orlando, Florida, USA (Session’s Best Paper Award).
- Shih-Chih Chen & Huei-Huang Chen (2008). the influence of technology readiness on the Theory of Planned Behavior with self-service technologies," Proceedings of WMSCI 2008: The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume VI, pp.85-90, June 29th - July 2nd, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Huei-Huang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, & Yu-Cheng Kao (2008). Construct APS system planning reference models from a process perspective: a case study for information manufacturing industries. Proceedings of WMSCI 2008: The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume I, pp.6-11, June 29th - July 2nd, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Shih-Chih Chen, Chao-Hsin Wang, and Huei-Huang Chen (2007). Building EPCIS communication model," International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology, Proceedings of ICAIT 2007, pp.150-156, Jan. 3-5, Hong Kong.
- Yu-Bin Chiu, Ling-Lang Tang, Shih-Chih Chen, & I-Sui Lee (2006). Assessing a model of online purchase intentions in e-tail service from the perspective of user acceptance: the moderating effects of gender. The 12th Asia Pacific Management Conference (APMC), November 17th-19th, Pathumthani, Thailand.
- Ling-Lang Tang, Yu-Bin Chiu, Shih-Chih Chen, & Huei-Huang Chen (2006). To buy or not to buy: the moderating effects of online purchasing experience in e-tail service," The 12th Asia Pacific Management Conference (APMC), November 17th-19th, Pathumthani, Thailand.
榮譽 |
- 第三屆頂尖盃 全國企業資規劃系統實作技能競賽 第一名 (2016)
- 第二屆頂尖盃 全國企業資規劃系統實作技能競賽 第一名 (2015)
- 國際ERP學術及實務研討會 論文優良獎第一名 (2014)
- 全國大專院校ERP實務個案競賽 第二名 (2014)
- Session's Best Paper Award, The Strategic Study of National Quality Award through Business Excellence Model- The IBM, Panasonic and Yusan Bank cases in Taiwan, The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2009.
- Session's Best Paper Award, A Study of Successful ERP – From the Organization Fit Perspective, The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2008.
研究計畫 |
- 虛擬實境購物商城採用前因與後果之實證研究 (2019/8- 2020/7,科技部,計畫主持人)
- 建構具沉浸式體驗之虛擬實境電商環境:兼論沉浸式體驗的前因與後果 (2018/8- 2019/7,科技部,計畫主持人)
- 探討社群媒體採用倦怠感與自我揭露之前因與後果:以負面觀點與人格特質為前置因素 (2017/8- 2018/7,科技部,計畫主持人)
- 社群媒體行銷活動之影響效果評析:兼論關係品質與知覺價值之中介效果 (2015/8- 2016/7,科技部,計畫主持人)
- 探討網路社群之體驗行銷與體驗價值對品牌線上關係維持之實證研究 (2014/8- 2015/7,科技部,計畫主持人)
- 建構一整合模式用以探討社群網站服務之知覺感受與持續使用意圖 (2013/8- 2014/7,科技部,計畫主持人)
- 資通訊整合平台應用於貨櫃車隊管理之先期評估計畫 (2015/7- 2015/12,財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心,計畫主持人)
- 視窗作業系統轉換與升級意願之市場調查與實證研究計畫 (2013/5 – 2015/9,恒準市場研究有限公司,計畫主持人)
- 應用資料探勘技術建構目標客戶選擇模式計畫 (2013/9 – 2014/2,禾亞資通股份有限公司,計畫主持人)
- 整合期望一致性模型與科技準備度之實證研究 (2011/9– 2012/7,大同大學,計畫主持人)
- 探討影響自助服務科技之滿意度與持續使用意願之因素 (2010/9 – 2011/7,大同大學,計畫主持人)