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黃文楨 Wen- Chen Huang


Name 黃文楨 Wen- Chen Huang
Title Professor  108-2教授休假
TEL 07 6011000 #34116
Email wenh@nkust.edu.tw
Education Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Florida
Research Expertise 多媒體應用、網路應用與服務、物件導向方法
Office C467(管理學院4樓)
Website 連結個人網頁


  • 美國A.C. Nilsson 媒體收視率調查公司 工程部 高級軟體工程師
  • 新竹科學園區 智邦科技公司 網路卡事業部 高級軟體工程師
  • 嘉南藥理科技大學副教授兼系主任
  • 美國University of Louisville 資訊科學碩士
  • 美國南佛羅里達大學資訊科學與工程博士
Undergraduate Curriculum
  • 核心通識-科技與社會
  • 系統分析與設計
  • 資訊網路應用
Research Expertise
  • 多媒體應用、網路應用與服務、物件導向方法
Journal and Disseration
  • Wen-Chen Hunag, “A Visual Lip-Reading System by Support Vector Machine”, Submitted to Pattern Recognition (SCI)
  • Wen-Chen Huang, Tony-Yee Lee, and Chii Yuan Huang, “A Visual Communication System for Hear-impaired and Talk-impaired Patients”, Submitted to IEEE Transaction on Information Technology in Biomedicine (SCI)
  • Cheng-Chung Hsu, Ping-Hong Lai, Chungnan Lee, and Wen-Chen Huang, “Automated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Detection with Dynamic MRI,” No. 4, pp 331-337, Methods of Information in Medicine, 2001. (SCI)
  • Chuan-Yu Chang, Pau-Choo Chung, Wen-Chen Huang, and Ping-Hong Lai, “An Eigen-support Differential Operator to Fuse CT and MR Images for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Diagnosis,” Biomedical engineering- applications, basis & communications, Vol. 12, pp.101-10
  • Chungnan Lee, Cheng-Chung Hsu, Shibang Yeah, and W. C. Huang, “Distributed Robust Image Mosaics,” Proceedings of NSC Part A-Physical Science and Engineering, June 2000.
  • Lai, P.H., Pan, H. B., Yang C. F., Huang, W. C. Hsu, C.C. and Lee, Chungnan, “Recurrent inverted papiloma: Diagnosis with dynamic pharmacokinetic dynamic gadnlinium-enhanced MR imaging”, Journal of Am. J. Neuroradiology, Vol. 20, No. 8, pp. 1445-1451,
  • S Wen-Chen Huang, Cheng-Chung Hsu, Chungnan Lee, and Ping-Hong Lai, ”Computerized Recurrent Nasal Tumor Detection from Post-Treatment Changes by Dynamic MR Images,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 100-106, July/Augus
  • Shen-Fu Hsiao, Wen-Chen Huang, Chungnan Lee and Cheng-Chung Hsu, “A Hybrid W-transform based Coding and Its VLSI Realization for Image Compression”, IEEE Trans. On Comsumer Electronics, Vol. 44, No, 3, AUGUST 1998, pp.509-518.(SCI)
  • Leonid Tsap, D.B. Goldgof, S. sarkar, and W.C. Huang, “Efficient Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling for Nonrigid objects via Optimization of Mesh Models”, computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 69, No. 3, march, pp.330-350, 1998. (SCI)
  • C.T. Lin, D.B. Goldgof, and W.C. Huang, "Motion Estimation from Scaled Orthographic Projections without Correspondence", Image and Vision Computing Journal, Vol. 12, NO. 2, March 1994, Pages 95-108. (SCI)
  • W.C. Huang and D.B. Goldgof, "Analysis of Intensity and Range Sequences Using Adaptive-Size Meshes", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 4, NO. 4, December 1993, Pages 364-381.(SCI)
  • W.C. Huang and D.B. Goldgof, "Adaptive-Size Meshes for Rigid and Non-Rigid Shape Analysis and Synthesis", IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 15, NO. 6, June, 1993, Pages 611-616.(SCI)
  • Cheng-Chung Hsu, Chungnan Lee, P.H. Lai and and W. C. Huang, “Automatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Detection with Dynamic Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI,” CVGIP’2000, Aug. 17-19, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Chuan-Yu Chang, Pau-Choo Chung, Wen-Chen Huang, E-Liang Chen, and Pin-Hong Lai, “A Spatiotemporal Neural Network on Dynamic Gd-Enhanced MR Images for Diagnosing Recurrent Nasal Papilloma,” Proc. of World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engine Chuan-Yu Chang, Pau-Choo Chung, Wen-Chen Huang, E-Liang Chen, and Pin-Hong Lai, “Using A Spatiotemporal Neural Network For Dynamic Gadolinium-Enhanced Mr Images Diagnosis,” Proceeding of International Symposium on Multimedia Information (ISMIP ’99), pp
  • Chuan-Yu Chang, Pau-Choo Chung, Wen-Chen Huang, and Ping-Hong Lai“ Registration of multi-modality nasopharyngeal carcinoma images,” Proceeding of 1999 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, pp. 87-93, Taipei, Taiwan, 1999.
  • (佳作 Lai, P.H., Pan, H. B., Yang C. F., Huang, W. C. Hsu, C.C. and Lee, C, Recurrent inverted papiloma: Diagnosis with dynamic pharmacokinetic dynamic gadnlinium-enhanced MR imaging. Symposium Neurorailogy XVI and 36th Am Society of Neuroradiology, May, 1998, C.C. Chung, W.C. Huang, “鼻咽部位腫瘤可能位置之灰關聯分析”, 八十八年醫學工程科技研討會,成大醫工所,pp.58-59.
  • Wen-Chen Huang, “以單光子切面影像與核磁共震影像比對作為鼻咽癌復發診斷之應用(I)”, 八十八年國科會工程處醫學工程學門研究成果發表會,NSC88-2213-E-041-001, 成大醫工所,pp. 103-106.
  • Chungnan Lee, Cheng-Chung Hsu, Shibang Yai, W.C. Huang, and W.C. Lin, “Distributed Robust Image Mosaics,” Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane, Australia, August 16-20, 1998, pp.1213-1215.
  • Wen-Chen Huang and Chungnan Lee, “Effective 3D Surface Reconstruction to combine Geometry-Based Constraints”, 86年度資訊科學與工程研究計畫成果要覽, NSC 86-2213-041-002, pp. 7-18.
  • Wen-Chen Huang, Chen-Chung Hsu, Ping-Hong Lai, and Chungnan Lee, “Distinguishing Recurrent Nasal Tumou from Post-Treatment Changes by Dynamic MR Images, Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Science, System, and Technology, Lad Vegas, Ne Wen-Chen Huang, Shen-fu Hsiao, Chungnan Lee and Cheng-Chung Hsu, “A Hybrid W-transform based Coding and Its VLSI Realization for Image Compression”, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, June 2, 1998, pp.44-45
  • C. L. Lee, C.C. Hsu, S.B. Yeah, and W.C. Huang, "Distributed Robust Image Mosaics," 1997 Multimedia Technology and applications Symposium, Dec. 1997, Kashsiung, pp. 374-386.
  • C.C. Hsu, C.L. Lee and W.C. Huang, "Robust Motion Correction for Image Mosaic", in 第十屆電腦視覺、圖學暨影像處理研討會論文集,台中市福華大飯店,Aug. 17-19, 1997, pp. 384-391.
  • Y.Y. Hsu, P.C. Chung and W.C. Huang, "An Interactive Display System for 3D Constructed Liver Image", in 第十屆電腦視覺、圖學暨影像處理研討會論文集,台中市福華大飯店,Aug. 17-19, 1997, pp. 27-32.
  • C. Lee, B. Wu, and W.-C. Huang, "Integration of Multiple Levels of Contour Information for Chinese-Character Stroke Extraction", the Fourth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 1997), Germany, Aug. 17-21, 1997
  • Wen-Chen Huang and Tong-Yee Lee, "A Physically-Based Rendering Scheme: Case Study for Heart Motion", Computer Graphics Workshop, December 6-7, 1996, Pages 19-21
  • W.C. Huang, "A Modified W-Transform Coding for Image Compression", in電腦視覺、圖學暨影像處理研討會論文集,台中縣谷關,Aug. 18~21, 1996, pp. 93-97.
  • W.C. Huang, "The current development of Advanced Medical Image Processing", in "第二屆資訊管理暨實務研討會", "大業工學院", Oct. 27-28, 1995.
  • W.C. Huang, D.B. Goldgof and Leonid Tsap, "Nonlinear Finite Element Methods for Nonrigid Motion Analysis", in IEEE workshop on Physically-Based Modeling, (Cambridge, MA), June 18-19, 1995
  • W.C. Huang and D.B. Goldgof, "Point Correspondence Recovery in Nonrigid Motion Using Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling", in Proceedings of ACCV: Asian Conference on Computer Vision, (Osaka, Japan), November 23-25, 1993
  • W.C. Huang and D.B. Goldgof, "Nonrigid Motion Analysis Using Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling", in Proceedings of SPIE: Geometric Methods in Computer Vision, (San Diego, California), Pages 404-414, July, 1993.
  • W.C. Huang and D.B. Goldgof, "Adaptive-Size Physically-Based Models for Nonrigid Motion Analysis", in Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (Champaign, Illinois), Pages 833-835, June 1992
  • W.C. Huang and D.B. Goldgof, " Sampling and Surface Reconstruction with Adaptive-Size Meshes", in Proceedings of SPIE: Application of Artificial Intelligence X: Machine Vision and Robotics, Vol. 1708, (Orlando, Florida), Pages 760-770, April 1992.
  • W.C. Huang and D.B. Goldgof, "Left Ventricle Motion Modeling and Analysis by Adaptive-Size Physically-Based Models", in Proceedings of SPIE: Biomedical Image Processing and Three-dimensional Microscopy, Vol. 1660-90, (San Jose, California), Pages 299-310,
  • "在全球資訊網建立分散協同設計三維動畫及虛擬環境""(NSC-89-2213-E--110-013)(擔任共同主持人 86/8-87/7 國科會計畫)
  • "以幾何限制來有效率的重建三維物體表面"(NSC-89-2213-E--041-002)(擔任主持人 85/8-86/7 國科會計畫)
  • "以單光子切面影像與核磁共震影像比對作為鼻咽癌復發診斷之應用(II)"(NSC-89-2213-E--041-003)(擔任主持人 88/8-89/7 國科會計畫)
  • 自動化復發鼻部腫瘤偵測系統"(NSC-89-2213-E--041-008)(擔任主持人 89/9-90/7 國科會計畫)
  • 1999 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (佳作論文獎)
  • Symposium Neurorailogy XVI and 36th Am Society of Neuroradiology, May, 1998, Philadelphia. (Award of excellence poster)
  • "藥物動力彩色磁振影像對於復發性鼻竇腫瘤及良性變化之比較"(擔任共同主持人 86/7-87/6 高雄榮總)
  • 視覺化中文讀唇系統之研究"(NSC 92-2213-E-041-002) (擔任主持人 92/8-93/7)


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